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BGP Hijacking - What is it and how to prevent it?

·2 mins
BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol, more commonly known as the system that keeps the internet (and by definition, routing) working correctly. Sometimes misconfigurations (Like accidentally announcing a wrong prefix) can break the internet. In this blog post, I will explain BGP Hijacking and how to prevent it. Primarily for people without network experience.

DigitalOcean Kubernetes with Static IPv4

·3 mins
Thanks to the new VPC functionality in DigitalOcean can be used to provide Kubernetes with a static external IPv4. This can be handy in cases where you need to deal with IP whitelists, for example, if you use your Kubernetes cluster as a CI building tool. However, this requires some config setup and a privileged pod running on each node to automatically update the routes. This article will help guide you through the setup.